H No 8-2-78, 4th Floor CNR Complex, Chintalkunta Checkpost, L B Nagar, Hyderabad

Study in the USA

Why is the USA considered to be one of the most preferred destinations for one to pursue education? Well, the answer is so simple. Students prefer going to the US to pursue their further studies mainly because of the world-renowned cluster of universities it has. These universities provide education that is of a superlative degree indeed.

If you have a look at it, most of these universities offer a streamlined 15:20 student-teacher ratio. In other words, you have one professor or lecturer who would just be handling 15-20 students at a time. With an ideal student-tutor ratio, it is implied that the students are going to receive a better attention span and are going to receive individual attention from their professors or lecturers. In other words, with the ideal student-teacher ratio, the University provides students to grasp and catch hold of their subject-related concepts in a better way. This way, they can also get to widen their practical knowledge on the subject.

Again, when you have a further look at it, the USA is a technology leader. It boasts itself as the center for leading as well as cutting-edge technologies. Therefore, when students opt for their Masters or their PhDs in the US, they are guaranteed to get fabulous opportunities to work with some of the best technology companies in the world.

For those of you who are passionate about research, then again, the USA becomes the go-to destination for you to pursue your research-oriented studies. This is mainly because you have a plethora of undergraduate and graduate programs with a research-centric approach attributed to them. Say, for instance, when students take up their Masters pertaining to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), they have the option to perform their research thesis for three extra years. In other words, students could opt for 12 months and get an extension of 24 extra months for performing their research analysis post-completion of their master’s.

Top 10 reasons to study in the USA

There are several reasons why students choose the USA as an ideal destination for them to pursue their studies abroad. We have narrowed it down to 10 main reasons. Let us look at them in easy-to-understand bullet pointers.

  1. In the USA, you have a reputed cluster of universities and colleges.
  2. The quality of the teaching methodologies and research opportunities is of the highest standards indeed.
  3. There are dedicated Universities for Research and Development (i.e., R & D).
  4. Students get a better degree of flexibility in choosing from their programs.
  5. Students get exposure to a multicultural ambiance of living.
  6. There are plenty of high-paying job opportunities post-completion of your study programs.
  7. Through engaging campus facilities, students get an opportunity to learn beyond their classrooms.
  8. You are assured of career growth the moment you complete your study programs.
  9. Students can avail of scholarships and credits that can waive their student fees.
  10. Above all, STEM students get an added practical exposure of 12 months that can extend to 36 months too

What is it like in the USA?

The USA is also called the ‘Pot of Melting Cultures’. You have students belonging to different ethnicities and regions who opt to settle down in the USA post their master’s degrees too. You get a better quality of life out here once you finish your studies. Almost 35% of the student communities that reside in the US belong to different countries of the world. Above all, the conducive work environment companies provide to employees post their graduation is way better than what you find in Third World Countries.